
【英耽】︱棄文︱《The Hookup Mix-up》 by Riley Hart

【英耽】︱強推︱《Where There’s Smoke》by Cole McCade

【英耽】︱強推︱《IT'S WITCHCRAFT》by Cole McCade

【英耽】︱推薦︱《Changing Face》by Cole McCade

【英耽】︱小推︱《The Man With the Glass Eye》by Cole McCade

【英耽】︱推薦︱《Junk Shop Blues》by Cole McCade


【英耽】︱小推︱The One That Got Away BY Nicky James

【英耽】︱推薦︱《The Cardigans》by Cole McCade

【英耽】︱推薦︱《Virgin Flyer》by Lucy Lennox

【英耽】︱普通︱The New Guy by Sarina Bowen

【英耽】︱普通︱《The Wolf at Bay》by Charlie Adhara

【英耽】︱推薦︱《The wolf at the Door》by Charlie Adhara